Watch Your Mouth - Part 1
Series: Watch Your Mouth

The Bible is full of wisdom for every area of life. Whether it be physical health, mental clarity, peace in relationships, wholeness in finances, or prosperity in raising children, the Word of God has something to say about it. The amazing news is that you get to decide how you want to proceed. The way to access victory in each of these areas and more is to develop a belief in your heart for the good things the Word says belong to you as a new creation. Then, that belief in your heart must come out of your mouth. Watch as Anthony leads us through a study of just how to implement some very simple instructions from our Heavenly Father. He said that we can choose between life and death and blessing and cursing. The way to do that is by realizing that life and death are in the power of the tongue. So, choose today to make some quality decisions in your life. It all begins with learning how to watch your mouth!

Anthony Wade
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